TOP > 輪島キリモトからのおしらせ
  • 2024年夏期休暇のお知らせ


    夏期休暇/8月12日(月) 〜8月14日(水)



  • NHK「プロフェッショナル」 [能登のプロフェッショナルたち] 放映のお知らせ

    NHK「プロフェッショナル」 [能登のプロフェッショナルたち] が放映されます。
    Appearance on NHK’s “The Professionals” [Professionals in Noto]
    【English follows Japanese】

    1月下旬より1ヶ月半 NHKのクルーの方々に代表の桐本泰一をはじめ、

    NHK プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀





    For a month and a half from the end of January, we had a crew from NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) interview Taiichi Kirimoto, Representative, and some of our craftsmen throughout the post-disaster period.

    NHK “Professional” [Professionals in Noto]
    (NHK CH1)
    Monday, March 11
    10:00 P.M. – 10:45 P.M. (45 minutes)

    The disaster-stricken area of Noto is in the midst of recovery, and there are people who continue to struggle. Daizo Shibano, the world’s best gelato maker, whom we once covered in Professional.
    He is reunited with the producers who were affected by the disaster, and his product is one of their revival efforts. Noto Touji, Naohiko Noguchi, known as the “God of Sake,” makes a choice to pass on his skills to the next generation.
    Then there is Taiichi Kirimoto, the leader of Wajima-nuri, who is called “the indomitable Kirimoto”. A man who loves Wajima-nuri Urushi lacquerware puts his passion into his “unyielding vessel”. There are professionals in Noto.


    Thank you for your continued warm support.

  • ー輪島キリモトー 「木とうるしのちから」 Wajima Kirimoto “The Forces of Wood and Urushi”

    期間:2024年1月31日(水)〜2月6日(火)  10:00〜19:00
    場所:日本橋三越 本館5階 クリエーターズテーブル


    Period: Wednesday, the 31st of January to Tuesday, the 6th of February
    Venue: Creators’ Table, 5th Floor, Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Building

    We considered postponing the exhibition due to the severe impact of the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred on the 1st of January, 2024, however with the warm encouragement of Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi, we decided to change the content of the exhibition and hold it this time.

    We will introduce mainly products that have survived the earthquake and have not been displayed in the permanent section.

    Please note that the presence of our representative, Taiichi Kirimoto, and artisans at the store has been cancelled.
    Wajima Kirimoto’s Tokyo staff will be there to explain the products.

    Please come and take a look at the Urushi lacquerware created by the hands of many craftsmen in Wajima.
    We look forward to seeing you at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi.

  • 輪島キリモトオンラインショップ再開のお知らせ The Anouncement of Resume of Wajima Kirimoto Online Shop



    そのため一旦オンラインショップの受付を停止しておりましたが、多くのお客様から温かいご支援のメッセージをいただき、日にち指定不可、ギフト包装不可、Amazon Pay、Paypalの使用不可(発送日数が限られているため)とはなりますが、ご予約という形でオンラインショップを再開させていただくことにいたしました。








    Thank you for your continued patronage of the Wajima Kirimoto Online Shop.

    All of us at Wajima Kirimoto are safe following the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake, however, the house of representative, Kirimoto, as well as the houses and workshops of our craftsmen were damaged.

    We had to suspend our online store temporarily, however we have received warm messages of support from many customers.

    The staff members in Tokyo will resume the online shop in the form of reservations.

    Although select a specific date, gift wrap, or use Amazon Pay or Paypal (due to the requirement of the limited shipping days) are not be possible, we have decided to resume our online store in the form of pre-orders.

    We apologize that it will take some time to check the inventory.

    We will contact you as soon as we are able to check the stocks in Wajima and prepare for shipping.

    Please note that logistics are currently suspended, so it may take several months before we can deliver your order.

    Please be aware of this before placing your order.

    Despite this situation, our craftsmen and staff members are working together to keep moving forward.

    It will take time, but Wajima will surely revive.

    We appreciate your continuous support the Wajima lacquerware industry and Wajima Kirimoto.

    Thank you so much again for your continued support.

    Wajima Kirimoto Online Shop
