TOP > 輪島キリモトからのおしらせ
  • 髙島屋京都店 くらしを うるおす うるし展 のお知らせ  The announcement of the exhibition “Urushi lacquer that enriches your life”




    会期:8月31日(水曜日)▶ 9月6日(火曜日)


    会場:髙島屋京都店6階 特選工芸ギャラリー

    お問い合わせ先:075ー221ー8811 (代表)





    石川県輪島市杉平町大百苅70番5 〒928−0011



    The announcement of the exhibition “Urushi lacquer that enriches your life”

    Period: August 31st, 2022 (Wednesday) ▶ September 6th (Tuesday)10:00am through 8:00pm
    (will be closed at 5pm on the last day)

    Venue : Selected Crafts Gallery, 6th Floor of Takashimaya Department Store Kyoto

    During the exhibition period, Nobuo Kato, a craftsman of Wajima Kirimoto, will be in the store.

    The unstable period will continue, but we will continue to focus on making things that we love, raising our spirits.

    In addition to urushi lacquerware, wooden products, and lacquer panels made with natural lacquer that can be used in daily life, we will also introduce works created by craftsmen in the workshop with their free ideas.

    Taiichi Kirimoto, Representative

    70-5 0hyakugari, Sugihiramachi, Wajima-shi, Ishikawa,928-0011, Japan
    Tel :0768-22-0842
    In July 2022, we opened a “The Urushi Studio” adjacent to our workshop in Wajima.
    “The Urushi Studio” provides real and digital information on lacquerware, furniture, and interior materials.

  • 「漆のスタジオ」開設のお知らせ Notice of opening of “The Urushi Studio”

    リアルとデジタルで漆の器・家具・内装材を発信する 「漆のスタジオ」を開設
    Established “The Urushi Studio” that provides real and digital information on lacquerware, furniture, and interior materials.

    Wajima Kirimoto, which has been engaged in lacquer ware and woodturning since the latter half of the Edo period (mid 18th century), will open “The Urushi Studio” on July 22 as a transmission base for Wajima Kirimoto, adjacent to its own workshop in Wajima City.

    漆のスタジオは、主に「展示スタジオ」と「キッチンスタジオ」か ら構成され、輪島の伝統建築様式である塗師屋造りをイメージ して建てられた木造の約83m²の空間です。展示スタジオは、吹き抜けの約47m²の空間で、輪島キリモトの漆の器、家具、内装材などが展示されている他、65インチモニター、高性能AIカ メラ・マイク等の最先端のデジタル機器を備えており、国内外の お客様は店舗スタッフによるリモート接客(ライブコマース)に て展示商品を購入することができます。
    The Urushi Studio is mainly composed of an “exhibition studio” and a “kitchen studio”, and is a wooden space of about 83m² built in the image of a urushi lacquer painter’s house, which is the traditional architectural style of Wajima. The Exhibition Studio is a space of about 47 m² in the atrium, where Wajima Kirimoto’s urushi lacquerware, furniture, interior materials, etc. are exhibited, as well as cutting-edge digital equipment such as 65-inch monitors and high-performance AI camera microphones are equipped. Customers in Japan and overseas can purchase exhibited products through remote customer service (live commerce) by store staff.

    さらには工芸ギャラリーやショップ、百貨店などの店頭とZOOMで繋げることで展 示スタジオ内商品のリモート商品販売会や説明会、木や漆のセミナーなども開催することが可能となります。漆のスタジオから電波に乗って行商に伺うイメージでしょうか。
    Furthermore, by connecting to craft galleries, shops, department stores, and other stores via ZOOM, it will be possible to hold remote product sales and briefing sessions for products in the exhibition studio, and seminars on wood and urushi lacquer.

    キッチンスタジオは、漆の器、キッチン器材を常置して、モニター・カメラ・マイクが一体化したコンパクトな最新デジタル機 器を備えた空間で、料理人を招いた地元食材などを活かした料理づくり、漆器への盛り付け方法、使い方、洗い方、仕舞い方など をプレゼンテーションするワークショップなどを開催・配信する予定です。
    The kitchen studio is a space equipped with the latest compact digital equipment that has a monitor, camera, and microphone integrated with urushi lacquerware and kitchen equipment permanently installed. We are planning to hold and distribute workshops that present how to serve, use, wash, and dispose of lacquer ware.

    輪島キリモトでは、この漆のスタジオの開業に合わせて、自社の ホームページもリニューアルして、リモート接客機能を予約しやすいように再構成し、国内外の販売事業者様をはじめ、国内外のお客様方への展示商品販売機能を強化します。
    At Wajima Kirimoto, along with the opening of The Urushi Studio, the company’s homepage has also been redesigned to make it easier to reserve remote customer service functions. At Wajima Kirimoto, along with the opening of The Urushi Studio, the company’s homepage has also been redesigned to make it easier to reserve remote customer service functions. We will strengthen the function of selling exhibited products to domestic and overseas sales companies and domestic and overseas customers.

    昨今の新型コロナウィルスの影響で、伝統工芸の業界も大きな ダメージを受けておりますが、輪島市内に新たな観光拠点として『漆のスタジオ』をオープンして、『輪島工房』の木工・漆塗工房見学&リアル店舗とデジタル店舗の双方で、日本の伝統工芸「漆器」を発信していきます。
    The traditional craft industry has been severely damaged by the recent new corona virus, however we opened the “The Urushi Studio” as a new tourist base in Wajima City.   We will disseminate Japanese traditional craft “urushi lacquer ware” at both real stores such as woodworking and urushi lacquer ware workshop tour of “Wajima Workshop”, and digital stores.


    〒928-0011 石川県輪島市杉平町大百苅70番5・8(数台駐車可)
    Tel:0768-22-0842 Fax:0768-22-5842
    ※工房見学をご希望の場合は電話、FAX、メールなどで予めご連絡ください。 ※作業内容により見学いただけない場合がございます。


    70-5 0hyakugari, Sugihiramachi, Wajima-shi, Ishikawa,928-0011, Japan
    Tel :0768-22-0842

    A Workshop tour is available. Please book well in advance.
    The tour may not be available due to the condition of the facility.

    輪島工房 概要

    ・平日:8:00~17:30 ・休日:土日祝、盆、年末年始


    Wood turning workshop / Urushi lacquer painting workshop / Product Management Office / Office
    Mondays through Fridays:8:00〜17:30
    Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays

    ・平 日:9:00~17:00(12:00~13:00昼休憩)

    Display and sales of Wajima Kirimoto’s lacquerware, furniture, interior panels, and original art work of artisans.
    Mondays through Fridays:9:00〜17:00 (12: 00~13: 00 Lunch break)
    Saturdays, Sundays and holidays:9:00〜17:00
     (12: 00~13: 00 Lunch break)
    Closed:irregular holidays

    【漆のスタジオの建物概要】Overview of the lacquer studio building

    所 在 地 石川県輪島市杉平町大百苅70番5・8  敷地面積 1469.37m² 延床面積 82.63m²
    Location 70-5, Ohyakugari, Sugihira-machi, Wajima-shi, Ishikawa  Site area 1469.37m²
    Total floor area 82.63m²

    構造   木造
    Structural: wooden

    設計者 株式会社若崎建築設計工房
    Designer: Wakasaki Architectural Design Studio Co., Ltd.

    施工者 株式会社宮地組
    Constructor Miyajigumi Co., Ltd.

    竣工  2022年6月30日
    Completion: June 30, 2022

    その他 ノルウェー・オスロ「Neatframe社」の 会議システムを活用してライブコマースを可能に
    Others: Enable live commerce by utilizing the conference system of “Neatframe” (Oslo, Norway)


    石川県輪島にて、200年以上「木と漆」の仕事に携わってきた桐本家。江戸時代後期から明治・大正にかけては輪島漆器製造販売を 営み、昭和の初めに木を刳ることを得意とする「朴木地屋・桐本木工所」に転業。
    漆器木地業としてのノウハウを活かして2015年 商号を「輪島キリモト」とし、木地業を生業にしながら、多くの力ある職人さん達 と一緒に、木工製品や漆の器、小物、家具、建築内装材に至るまで、木と漆が今に暮らしにとけ込むようなモノ作りに挑戦し続けて います。

    七代目桐本泰一は、1962年 石川県輪島市生まれ。筑波大学芸術専門学群生産デザインコース卒業。コクヨ株式会社意匠設計部でオ フィスプランニングに携わった後、輪島に帰郷。木地業の弟子修行を4年半行い、木地業からの造形提案、デザイン提案、漆器監修 などを始めます。2015年代表に就任。産地内の創り手たちとの交流、衣食住に携わる方々との交流、暮らしを楽しむ方々との交流、 使い手の方々の声が聞こえる営業などから、生活の中で木や漆が当たり前に使ってもらえるようにと、さまざまな可能性に挑戦し ています。

    2001年「石川県デザイン賞」受賞。/2005年「いつものうるし」発刊。/2008年「元気なモノ作り中小企業300社」に選定。/2018年 「第2回三井ゴールデン匠賞」グランプリ受賞。


    The Kirimoto family has been involved in the work of “wood and urushi lacquer” for over 200 years in Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture. From the late 18th to early 20th century, our company manufactured and sold Wajima lacquerware and from the 1920’s, the company changed its name to “Kirimoto Wooden Craft Workshop” and shifted its business specializing in carving the core wooden fittings.
    In 2015, the trade name was changed to “Wajima Kirimoto”, and the talented craftspeople of the company produce wooden and lacquer vessels, furniture, and interior elements, exploring the possibilities of wood and Urushi lacquer as a part of modern lifestyles.
    The 7th generation Taiichi Kirimoto was born in 1962 in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture. He graduated from Tsukuba University School of Art and Design Production Design Course. After he was involved in office planning at the Design Department of KOKUYO Co., Ltd., he returned to Wajima. He trained as a disciple of the wood core maker for four and a half years, and started modeling proposals, design proposals, and Urushi lacquer ware supervision from the wood core industry. He became the representative in 2015. He has been challenging various possibilities of Urushi in daily life through interaction with creators in the production area, interaction with people involved in clothing, food and housing, interaction with people who enjoy living, and sales where you can hear the voices of users.

    2001 Received the “Ishikawa Design Award”
    2005 Published “Itsumono Urushi, urushi lacquerware for daily life”
    2008 Selected as one of the “300 Energetic Manufacturing SMEs”
    2018 “The 2nd Mitsui Golden Takumi Award” Grand Prix Winner

    輪島キリモト 代表 桐本泰一

  • テレビ東京「昼めし旅」で輪島キリモトが紹介されました

    テレビ東京、BSテレ東系列の「昼めし旅」 という番組で、歌手のさくらまやさんに輪島キリモトをご紹介いただきました。


  • 阪神梅田本店 『能登のお酒と【のむ】ための道具市 〜輪島キリモトの漆器とともに〜』 のお知らせ

    阪神百貨店 のむための道具市企画

    能登のお酒と【のむ】ための道具市 〜輪島キリモトの漆器とともに〜





    10:00~20:00 (最終日は18時閉場)


     場所:阪神梅田本店 地下1階 お酒売り場内「コミュニティスペース」

    This is the announcement of
    The Hanshin Department Store Tool Market Exhibition for Drinking
    Noto’s sake and a tool market for [drinking] -with Wajima Kirimoto’s urushi lacquerware-

    Wajima City, located at the northern end of Ishikawa Prefecture, has a population of only 24,000.
    Japanese Sake made with all our heart in a small town and urushi lacquer ware that supports that Sake are created.

    “Yorokoppu” (means the cup of joy) produced by Wajima Kirimoto with the craftsmen while interacting with Mr. Yamaguchi, a liquor navigator at Hanshin Department Store.
    You can enjoy the fragrance of Japanese Sake as well as the gentleness of the texture and mouthfeel.

    We will also introduce tools for “drinking” such as Katakuchi, Guinomi, cups, small plates, and chopsticks.

    Period: June 8th, 2022 (Wednesday) → 14th (Tuesday)

    10: 00-20: 00 (closed at 18:00 on the last day)

    Taiichi Kirimoto, the representative of Wajima Kirimoto, will be in the store from June 10th (Friday) to 13th (Monday).

    Venue : “Community space” in the liquor store on the B1FHanshin Department Store Umeda Main Store

    輪島キリモト✖️阪神百貨店 Wajima Kirimoto ✖️ Hanshin Department Store

    毎日使うと People are happy when they use it every day


    漆もよろこぶ Urushi is also happy

