
大阪 阪神百貨店での催事のおしらせです。
#Honjitsu No OBENTO “Today’s lunch box”
“URUSHI lacquerware which you can feel warmth and comfort through its tenure.”
From Wednesday, November 3rd to Monday, 8th.
●阪神百貨店(大阪 梅田本店)1階食祭テラス
Venue: 1F Hanshin Department Store Umeda
Main Store
The dream collaboration “Wajima Kirimoto” with Chiori Yamamoto who is host of “chioben” boxed lunch catering and is called “God of Bento box” has been completed.
The special “# Today’s Bento” boxed lunch which are planned by the person in charge of Hanshin Department Store and made by the popular chefs!
In addition to the original lunch box in collaboration with “chioben”, Wajima Kirimoto will exhibit and sell wooden and Urushi lacquered lunch boxes, as well as everyday use Urushi lacquered soup bowls, plates, serving bowls, plates, trays, and vessels for sake, Japanese rice wine. In addition, tools and seasonings for delicious lunch box will also be available. Please enjoy the microcosm of taste and the world of Bento.