TOP > 輪島キリモトからのおしらせ > 日本橋三越本店 輪島キリモト「木とうるしのちから」展のお知らせ The Announcement of Exhibition Wajima Kirimoto “The Power of Wood and Lacquer” at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store

日本橋三越本店 輪島キリモト「木とうるしのちから」展のお知らせ The Announcement of Exhibition Wajima Kirimoto “The Power of Wood and Lacquer” at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store


Wajima Kirimoto’s strengths are the production and development capabilities of wooden products, Urushi lacquerware, and furniture interiors.
It can be said that “The Strengths of Wood and Urushi Lacquer”


■会場:日本橋三越本店 本館5階 = スペース5

〒103-8001 東京都中央区日本橋室町1-4-1

■お問合せ:和食器 03-3274-8527 直通

■Period: September 7th, 2022 (Wednesday) to 13th (Tuesday)

■Venue : Space #5, 5th Floor of Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department Store Main Store Tokyo



■イベント情報:会期中11:00〜17:00「豆カンナ 製作実演」「漆家具・漆パネルオーダー受注」を行います

※諸般の事情により、営業日・営業時間、予定しておりましたイベントなどが変更・中止になる場合がございます。 必ず事前に日本橋三越ホームページを確認してからご来店ください。

Wajima Kirimoto has been involved in wood and urushi lacquer work for over 200 years since the late Edo period (mid-18th century).
It has been 18 years since we opened a store in Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store in 2004.
This is the event that you can see all the strengths of the craftsmen involved in Wajima Kirimoto that produces Urushi lacquer ware that supports a comfortable life for everyone who uses it, small urushi lacquer furniture that accents the interior, urushi lacquer panels, etc.

■During the exhibition period, Taiichi Kirimoto, representative of WAJIMA KIRIMOTO, and the wood craftsman, Keisuke Kubota, will be in the store all day.

■Event information: “Production demonstration using a tiny planer” and “Urushi lacquer furniture and occasion for urushi lacquer panel orders” will be held from 11:00am to 5:00pm during the exhibition period.

* Due to various circumstances, business days, business hours, planned events, etc. may be changed or canceled. Please be sure to check the Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi website before visiting.
*Since some products are limited in number, the offer valid while supplies last.

〒928−0011 石川県輪島市杉平町大百苅70番5
輪島キリモト 桐本泰一
TEL:0768−22−0842 /


Taiichi Kirimoto
70-5 0hyakugari, Sugihiramachi, Wajima-shi, Ishikawa,928-0011, Japan
Tel :0768-22-0842 /

In July 2022, we opened a “The Urushi Studio” adjacent to our workshop in Wajima.
“The Urushi Studio” provides real and digital information on lacquerware, furniture, and interior materials.
