TOP > 輪島キリモトからのおしらせ > 日本橋高島屋 〜輪島塗を未来にTSUNAGU〜 Wajima-Nuri for the Future

日本橋高島屋 〜輪島塗を未来にTSUNAGU〜 Wajima-Nuri for the Future

会期:2025年1月8日(水曜日)▶ 1月14日(火曜日)AM10:30〜PM7:30

✳︎桐本泰一在店 1月8日、9日
✳︎東京スタッフ在店  1月10日〜14日

会場:日本橋高島屋 本館1階 正面イベントスペース

お問い合わせ先:03-3211-4111(代表) 和洋食器(内線:5722)



The announcement of the exhibition “Wajima-Nuri for the Future ~TSUNAGU~” 

Period: January 8th, 2025  → January 14th
10:30am through 7:30pm

Venue : Event Space, 1st Floor, Main Building of Nihonbashi Takashimaya S.C.

Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, was severely damaged by the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred on New Year’s Day, 2024, and the Noto Peninsula torrential rains in September.
This event will introduce various efforts to preserve Wajima-nuri, a traditional Urushi art rooted in Wajima, for the future.
Wajima-nuri is a Japanese culture that has been passed down from generation to generation and is expanding into a new era.
Please come and visit us.

A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Wajima Urushi Lacquerware Technical Training Institute to support the reconstruction of Wajima-nuri.
